Den russiske udenrigsminister Sergey Lavrov udtaler, at de-dollariseringen "kan ikke længere stoppes"

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has spoken on the current shift to national currencies and the de-dollarization international markets are currently experiencing. In a press conference after addressing the UN Security Council on April 25, Lavrov stated this shift could not

Ghanesiske Cedi næstbedst præsterende aktiv blandt Afrika syd for Sahara 15 Valutaer

In just the first 17 days of the new year, the Ghanaian currency reportedly depreciated by 12.7%, making it the second worst-performing among Sub-Saharan Africa’s top 15 valutaer. While one U.S. dollar bought 13.10 units of the cedi on the parallel

Rapport: Egyptisk pund når nyt lavpunkt mod amerikanske dollar på trods af fleksibelt valutakursregime

The exchange rate of the Egyptian pound versus the U.S. dollar fell to a new low on Jan. 11 after it tapped 32.14 per greenback. The currency’s latest significant depreciation came just a few months after it adopted a flexible exchange

Rusland lukker for EU-gas, Vitalik diskuterer Bitcoin-sikkerhed, og mere - News Week i gennemgang

Macro markets and geopolitics dominated the news this week, with Russia cutting off Europes gas supply, hedge funds betting against Italian debt, and the International Monetary Funds bailout for Zambia helping the kwacha overtake the ruble as the worlds best-performing currency….

IMF Bailout kan være i Storbritanniens fremtid, Siger strateg

Mizuho Securitieshead of global macro strategies has warned that an IMF bailout may be in the U.K.s future. i øvrigt, a former chancellor of the exchequer cautioned that Britain is entering a long and severe recession, emphasizing that it’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta “the worst

IMF-bailout-godkendelse hjælper zambisk kwacha med at tage den russiske rubels position som verdens bedst præsterende valuta

Efter at Den Internationale Pengefond afslørede, at den havde godkendt en redningspakke til Zambia, det sydafrikanske land’s valuta, kwachaen, samlet af 3.1%. Efter denne gevinst, kwachaen tog den russiske rubel’s position som verden’s best-performing currency in 2022….

IMF advarer om, at igangværende krig i Europa vil have en "alvorlig indvirkning på den globale økonomi"

I en rapport offentliggjort lørdag, Den Internationale Valutafond (IMF) har advaret om, at en igangværende krig i Europa og tilhørende sanktioner vil have en “alvorlige konsekvenser for den globale økonomi.” IMF’s rapport siger, at der er “ekstraordinær usikkerhed” i…